Simpsons Porno Story: Kidnap Chapter 11
WOW! I got 6 reviews for the last chapter! Thats the most yet! Wow! Lol.
Thanks so very much to beriipop, Wuup, BeckyHerself, Yami-Kjata, Gianna, & Sacharissa Lupin for reviewing.
Since I like Cecil (not as much as I love Bob) I decided to throw in a few moments of Cecil/Bart but overall will be Bob/Bart. HmmI just thought of something elseread onto Barts thoughts to see my own, hint hint.
The water was warm. The droplets pelted Bart softly thanks to the low water pressure. He let a soft moan of pleasure, the first scrap of pleasure all day, slip out. It was relaxing, he thought as his muscles turned to mush. It was comforting, something he knew he wouldnt find much of here.
His hangover was slowly dying away.
Letting his chin fall onto his chest, he stared at his nude body. His skin was starting ever so slightly to become a light blue, hinting swelling and bruises soon. It was probably because of the stairs. He didnt even want to look at his wrists and ankles! Instead, he watched the water waste went down the sink. It cleansed him physically but emotionally, he felt filthy and horrible. The red water vanished through the dark hole in the tub. It soon became a light pink, signaling Bart that most of the blood (when did he start to bleed?) was going away. All traces of his illness were gone too.