Simpsons Porno Story: Too much

Simpsons Porno Story: Too much

Too much

Why his mom had decided to throw a party he didn’t know, there were no birthdays, no cards up anyway and nothing to celebrate. Unless of course she was celebrating her separation with his dad. Milhouse didn’t believe his mother could be that cold, not inviting all she had as well. The Simpson’s were there the Flanders everyone he knew, except of course his dad. No it couldn’t be for that. He presumed also she hadn’t expected it to go on for this long either or he would have been palmed off with another family member some where. He tossed in his bed and pulled the pillow over his head, still the noise filtered through. He huffed and flung off the sheet and stepped from his bed.

He walked out into the hall and to the stairs, he could see people mingling and laughing he could hear his mothers voice also, the music was loud and so was the talking. Why couldn’t his mother get rid of them so he could sleep, he was quite tired, he rested his head against the banister rails and watched the party go by. He saw homer, swaying as he walked he had drank quite a bit he imagined, how long had everyone been here. It must have been four, five or even six hours, what time was it now, he peered at the hall clock downstairs, Jesus no wonder he was tired, it was 1.43 in the morning. He felt his eyes becoming heavy, he rested still on the rails.

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Simpsons Porno Story: Pressure Ease

Simpsons Porno Story: Pressure Ease

NOTE: this is a future-fic, meaning that Bart and Lisa are both over the age of consent.

As he pulled his motorcycle into the driveway, Bart Simpson let out a sigh that he’d never admit to making. Just a few years ago, he’d been Hell on skateboard wheels, sending everyone in town diving for cover as he raced home from school.

That was before Homer had died, keeling over in Moe’s Bar just over two years ago. Thanks to the levels of his beer and donut consumption, Doctor Hibbert wasn’t sure whether it was his exhausted heart or his overworked liver that had killed him. Working at the nuclear power plant for decades without a single promotion had left them with no savings, and working for Burns had left them with the state-required minimum health and life insurance. If Ned Flanders hadn’t been kind enough to rally the church members for contributions, Marge would have had to go into debt just to pay for Homer’s funeral. Continue reading

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Exploited – Incest in simpson family

Exploited – Incest in simpson family
Lucky dude shags chick in the butt snatch and blasts a big load of jizm all over her face. Simpsons characters get back with a bunch of new sex episodes that will make your rock stiff! It’s high time to push something sizey deep inside this bosomy Simpsons whore with her ass cheeks so hot and a wet pussy!

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Simpsons Porn Story: Bart’s Aunts

Simpsons Porn Story: Bart’s Aunts

Last Friday Bart spent the night fucking his aunt Selma and Patty his mother’s older sisters and he would never have even thought of such a thing under normal circumstances but for what had happened the week before with his sister Lisa and his best friend millhouse. What happened was so wild and crazy he still couldn’t quite believe it had really happened. Once again his mother was sending him back to spend the night with them and his sister Maggie. When he was younger they would give him money for singing too them but now they were paying him for satisfying their perverted love for him. For as soon as Maggie had been bathed and feed on first Selma’s right tit and then on patty’s left breast which had a strange affect on Bart’s cock he knew that he would be in for a wild night again just like last week he thought to himself. Bart cast his mind back to last week when it had all begun first fucking his aunt Selma then fucking his aunt patty when she had just happened to walk in on the two of them in mid thrust and about to ‘s aunt wasn’t the only one in an embarrassing position here he was rushing into something illegal what was his aunt patty going to say at what she had just saw, dick in hand so to speak and Selma riding her nephew like a bucking bronco, Bart would say this for his aunt patty she sure was some classy lady as she certainly handled the situation with far more cool and aplomb than he did. She acted like she was sitting in his mother’s living room drinking tea and making small talk instead of standing at his bedroom door watching her sister Selma lying naked on their queen size bed. All she said was “Don’t I get a hug as well Bart? But Bart’s aunt patty had no intention of making things that easy for him so as her arms went around his neck and as she pulled him down on the bed on top of her laughter filled the room. Releasing the hold she had on Bart’s neck and instead using one hand to press his hand all the more firmly about her breast. Bart then sat up but made no effort to actually get off the bed. Aunt patty or no aunt patty as his body was beginning to respond to her charms and the heady scent of her perfume. She just pulled him to her again and tried to cradle Bart’s head on her boobs. She was breathing pretty hard and he couldn’t help noticing that her nipples stood out an inch or more from the caramel-colored areolas that topped her heavy breasts. Reaching out for Bart his aunt started to stroke his cock which was now starting to regain it hard thick length. His aunt patty gave him a knowing little smile when she felt how aroused Bart was. In a tone that was obviously meant to soothe and relax him she crooned “Who’s to know Bart? There’s no sense in spending the night alone is there? This is just between you, me and your aunt Selma.” Bart’s aunt patty’s bush was soaking wet with her juices just from watching him and Selma fucking and as he moved his head down to her creamy thigh Bart was on the verge of burying his face in her crotch when a restraining palm to his forehead stopped him cold. His aunt patty started fisted Bart’s pulsing cock in her hand then leaning over his lap she engulfed Bart’s whole erection in the warm wetness of her sucking mouth. Bart’s cock head bumped against the back of patty’s throat as his aunt pushed her lips down and down until they touched the crinkle of Bart’s pubic hair. He stroked her long soft hair and her creamy back and shoulders savoring all the delicious sensations her experienced lips and tongue were providing him. At last patty’s fingers tantalized Bart’s balls as the first contraction of his ball sack sent a huge glob of cock cream to splatter against the back of his aunt’s throat.

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Bart and Lisa got busted by their mom!

Anime Simpsons Sex

Hentai Picture: Bart and Lisa got busted by their mom!
Lots of Simpsons chicks’ chebs jiggetting at deep cock thrusts and the most modest icons being made into erotic gauds. Evil Lisa Simpson stuffs corn beef cudgels in her avid kitish gash and executes a harsh ironclad DP filmed on HD camera… Watch your back because this Simpsons thing is much hotter than you think: the most skilled meaty fellows penetrate tight holes here!

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Simpsons Porn Story: Alison comes to stay – chapter 4

Simpsons Porn Story: Alison comes to stay – chapter 4

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Chapter 4: ‘Awakening’


Soon, no doubt eager to do more, Bart removed his fingers from his mouth and looked over at Allison again. “Hey, Allison! I’ll carry on if you want, but can you lie down on the bed first?” he asked.


“Um yeah, okay!” the equally enthusiastic girl agreed, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Allison was still eager to do more as well, despite what had happened earlier. “Like this?” the blushing brunette then asked as she lay back, parting her legs again. She had reason to blush as well because her pubic mound was clearly visible in all its glory to Bart now, who had knelt down in front of the bed to get a better look.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Marge simpson and millhouse-foot friends part 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Marge simpson and millhouse-foot friends part 1

“Hi mrs. Simpson, can Bart come out and play?”

“Sorry Millhouse Bart went hunting with his dad, but he might be home soon so you can come in if you want.”

“Thanks Mrs S. how are you today?”

“Im good Millhouse thank you for asking. Its so nice to find a boy with some manners these days.

Millhouse and Marge enter the living room. they both sit down on opposite ends of the couch. Marge picks p her crocheting while Millhouse turns on the T.v and begins watching. But after a few minutes marge gets tired of crocheting and begins watching tv with millhouse..

“I’m sorry Millhouse i just remembered Homer was taking Bart to Moes after they went hunting, but you can stay and watch tv if you want.”

“thanks Mrs S.”

” Its nice to have a boy around the house sometimes when barts not here. Do you mind if i strtch my legs out across the couch I’v had a long day.”

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Simpsons Porn Story: Ned Flanders Surprised Visitor (Part 1)

Simpsons Porn Story: Ned Flanders Surprised Visitor (Part 1)

Ned Flanders had just finished having sex with Lisa Simpson the daughter of his neighbours Homer & Marjorie Marge Simpson. He had cum and was standing by the bed milking the remaining cum out of his cock and she was laying on the bed naked recovering from a vigorous fuck when her mother marge walked in on them.

Ned and his wife Maude and 2 sons Rod & Todd had been living next door to the simpsons for about 5 years now and had often invited the family to join maude and myself in our pool. Lisa the daughter often used the pool during the day and sun tanned herself naked. Ned had first noticed lisa a month or so earlier when he had been working at home and she obviously was unaware he was home. Ned’s study overlooked the yard and he watched her lay there and masturbate twice during the hour or so lisa was there. She has a great body and her performance turned him on and he got quite aroused myself.

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Simpsons Porn Story: marge & Flanders

Simpsons Porn Story: marge & Flanders

Marge was cleaning one day when she heard sobbing coming from next door, she thought it odd and just couldn’t believe it was coming from the flanders house. so she decided to go over and find out what was wrong, since homer was at work and the kids at school she figured she could see if ned needed anything.

as she knocked on the front door she noticed that the door was open, so she peeked through and called “Ned… are you home!?” nothing no answer. no crying it seemed as though ned was trying to keep quiet. so marge opens the door a bit wider and says ” Ned are you ok?” nothing… odd no okaly dokaly? marge thought… so she steps in and peeks around the corner when she sees ned hiding behind the lamp with his clothes off.

“NED!” marge yells out. “what is the matter!? why are you naked and crying!?!” “oh margery” says ned, I’m sorry you had to hear that it’s just that… ever since … my wife passed on … it’s, well, it’s been rather hard on me. “I can see that…” said Marge. “oh poor Ned is ok to masturbait, homer does it all the time, in fact he does it right in front of me… not whit anything that large, but he doesn’t care if I see him do it”

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Simpsons girls are way more super-naughty than you think

Simpsons Free Sex

Hentai Picture: Simpsons girls are way more super-naughty than you think
A firm cock screweing Lisa Simpson’s dirty starfish and quim gives her a big O time after time… There are some Simpsons characters that refuse to control their imperative desire to copulate any more and get into those tit-bouncing pranks… Another teen hottie from Simpsons got those perfect big boobs to bring to our view and she never says “no” to any fuck-ready dick…

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