Simpsons Porno Story: Too much
Too much
Why his mom had decided to throw a party he didn’t know, there were no birthdays, no cards up anyway and nothing to celebrate. Unless of course she was celebrating her separation with his dad. Milhouse didn’t believe his mother could be that cold, not inviting all she had as well. The Simpson’s were there the Flanders everyone he knew, except of course his dad. No it couldn’t be for that. He presumed also she hadn’t expected it to go on for this long either or he would have been palmed off with another family member some where. He tossed in his bed and pulled the pillow over his head, still the noise filtered through. He huffed and flung off the sheet and stepped from his bed.
He walked out into the hall and to the stairs, he could see people mingling and laughing he could hear his mothers voice also, the music was loud and so was the talking. Why couldn’t his mother get rid of them so he could sleep, he was quite tired, he rested his head against the banister rails and watched the party go by. He saw homer, swaying as he walked he had drank quite a bit he imagined, how long had everyone been here. It must have been four, five or even six hours, what time was it now, he peered at the hall clock downstairs, Jesus no wonder he was tired, it was 1.43 in the morning. He felt his eyes becoming heavy, he rested still on the rails.