Simpsons Porno Story: The odor.
The scent.
Nelson Muntz walked along the sidewalk bored, he kicked stones and cans in order to light a little spark of enjoyment out of the day, but it didn’t work. His mates had gone fishing and even though he had been offered, he hadn’t fancied it, now though alone and bored he wished he had. He kicked more stones, he attempted to kick a stray cat unaware of his boredom but it had been far to quick, it squealed off though as if it had been kicked, Nelson needed some excitement, he needed someone to pick on. Then he saw his prey, perfect, Martin, Martin Prince, the school geek, talking with a bunch of his friends at the side of the park, more geeks. Nelson smiled, his boredom cured and fun about to begin.
He decided he best strategy was to make his way to the bushes they were talking near, power through them and not only scare them give them a bit of a slap each for being geeks, it should be a law, illegal to be a geek, illegal not to slap geeks when one is found. He made his way un-noticed so the bush was between them. Stealthily he made his way to the bush, he heard Martins voice the girly squeaky voice irritated Nelson and he decided Martin would receive the first slap……maybe the second too. As he neared the bush he could make out the conversation, he was about to pounce and power through the bush when he frowned, what was Martin saying, usually anything a geek had to say was above Nelson, to intellectual, probably why he hated them thinking they were better than he, but now some thing had peeked his interest.